For Nutrition, Beverages Count Too

When you start talking about being healthier, everyone starts giving you advice on the foods to stay away from. But what about the beverages you drink? They are often forgotten, yet it is entirely possible to drink hundreds of calories a day without realizing it or stopping yourself. Here are some tips about your favorite beverages to make sure that your good nutrition is complete.

1. Drink a lot of water. Water is the best beverage you can drink at any time. Water is natural, free of calories, and has zero fat in it. Water is naturally inside of your body, in fact it is in every cell of your body. In fact, water makes up about 60-70% of your entire body. So it is critically important that you replenish your water stores and stay hydrated. If you are ever out and unsure what to order as your beverage, water will never let you down. Order it with a twist of lemon, if you feel you need flavor.

2. Beware of juice. Juice is often touted as the natural way to ingest fruits, but you have got to be really careful about how much juice you drink. You must read labels: did you know that many juices are not even 30% actual juice? One of the ingredients that make up many juices is high fructose corn syrup, which makes the juice sweeter. That means you are drinking lots of sugar and lots of calories that you probably don’t need.

3. Be strict with soft drinks. You can have a soft drink every now and then, but so many people have no idea how many calories and how much sugar just one soft drink can pack into your body. Read the labels and you will be shocked. Not only that, but with soft drinks, there are a lot of chemical ingredients. Those ingredients are not found naturally in nature!

4. Drink alcohol sparingly. Alcohol can be a huge way for some people to rack up calories with no nutritional value. And when you are drunk, you exercise much less control over how much more unhealthy food and beverages you are ingesting.

5. Drink coffee in a healthy way. Many people just can’t do without their morning cup of coffee, and if that’s you, it’s alright to have coffee as long as you do it in a healthy way. Instead of adding five or six sugars, put in one or two. Even better, use an artificial sweetener. Another idea is to use non-dairy creamer instead of full fat milk, half-and-half, and cream. The creamer may eliminate the need for sugar in your coffee altogether, which would be healthier.

As you can see, many beverages are okay to ingest if you drink them infrequently. The most important thing is to be aware of what exactly you are putting into your body. Remember the information presented in this article, and you will be able to live nutritiously by remembering the beverages as well as the food.

Beverages And How They Fit Into Nutrition

Everybody is talking about how food fits into good nutrition and they rarely talk about how beverages work into their diet. It can be a way to get a lot of calories into your diet so you have to be sure you know what kind of drinks you’re putting into your body.

As you may or may not know you have to drink water every day to have a healthy diet. It is recommended to drink about 8 glasses of water, but there are variations of this depending on how much you weigh. Just be sure you squeeze it in whenever you can during your day.

Juice can be great for you if it’s 100% real juice. Of course, juice can contain lots of sugars so moderation is key. One way you can get your fruits and veggies for the day is to create your own juice with a juicer. Also, the more pulp a juice has, the better it is for you. Steer clear of those juice drinks that only contain a small percentage of juice because these are fairly bad if you drink them all the time.

If you’re going to drink soft-drinks then you have to be aware of how many you’re drinking. These drinks contain a lot of sugar and calories. They can also damage your teeth and keep you up at night if they have caffeine in them. If you must drink soft-drinks, then you have to moderate your intake. Read the labels as well and fit them into your diet sparingly.

Some people swear by red wine. They say that it’s good for the heart and body when you have a glass or two with dinner and that’s it. In general, alcohol isn’t all that good for you. Anything you put into your body has to be done in moderation. Too much alcohol will totally destroy your body and mind, so keep it under control if you must drink it.

Teas contain a type of antioxidant. This can really have some benefits and some even say it clears up all kinds of ailments and some say it can help reduce the risk of cancer. There is also caffeine and theanine in tea which act as stimulants. Different types of teas contain different levels of chemicals so do your research prior to choosing one to add to your diet.

Coffee is something a lot of people enjoy. If you’re going to drink it, then don’t add too much sugar or none at all. Also try to limit your intake, or switch to a caffeine free blend. Too much caffeine is not good for you so be careful and take it slow on the coffee.

When you use what you have learned in this article you will notice more benefits in regards to your diet. You will find that knowing what to drink and how much to drink of it can greatly help you with weight issues. This will have you getting more nutritious in no time!

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