Common Nutrition Questions Answered

As much as nutrition is being talked about lately, it is only natural that people would have a lot of questions about it. Here are some of the most commonly asked nutrition questions, complete with solid answers and valuable information.

1. Why is it important to have good nutrition? The answer is this: Your body is a magnificent machine that functions in capacities that most people do not understand. It needs water and a number of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to function properly. Many people are on auto-pilot with their bodies, without realizing that they could feel much better if they simply concentrated on their diets, and giving their body the proper nutrition.

2. What is the right number of calories for me to eat each day? This is a difficult question to answer because the answer is not a simple one, and is unique to everyone. Pregnant women have different caloric needs than male bodybuilders, for example. Ask your doctor how many calories you should take in every day. This is important because if you don’t eat enough calories, you will feel run down and tired, However, if you overdo it, you will start to gain weight.

3. Is fast food that bad for you? The short answer is yes, but there are a couple of reasons why. For starters, fast food often does not have caloric and nutritional information readily available, so you can easily eat 90% of your daily calories in one meal at a fast food restaurant. The food made there is usually highly processed and treated with chemicals which is not good for your body. Most items are fried, frozen and microwaved, and those methods of cooking are not good at all for your body. The fast food industry is making efforts to provide healthier choices, but for now, most fast food should be avoided as much as possible.

4. Is splurging that bad? Splurging while on a diet is not that big of a deal, if it truly happens occasionally. You have to be honest with yourself, though. If you are splurging every day, something is not working and you may not be on a diet at all. But splurging periodically can actually be good for your body as your metabolism gets to fire itself up to take on the challenge of extra calories.

5. Can you have a good social life if you’re on a diet? Of course you can. A good diet doesn’t mean you are starving yourself and taking away anything that is fun. A good diet simply asks you to consider what you are eating and to consume things that are healthful for you and your body. You can have a perfectly normal social life if you are taking care of your health!

Now that you’ve read through the article, you have a better idea of why nutrition is important, and whether it’s worth giving a try. Good nutrition is only good for your body. Not only that, but it can be great for your mental state too. Keep your body healthy with good nutrition and watch how much better your life is.

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Common Sense Manual for Maintaining Your Body Healthy

Many of us have heard the same common sense tips for maintaining a healthy body since we were young. It always seemed we were given the same advice our parents got and many of our friends parents also. The reason these pieces of information stood the test of time is they were things all of us could implement. Following are seven tips anyone can follow to have a healthful body.

One of the most important things you can do is maintain a daily food log. There are a number of good reasons for this. If you are looking to lose weight, it is crucial to know how many calories you are consuming. In order to lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit. In other words, you must consume less calories than what your body burns on a daily basis. For someone looking to maintain their current body weight, then this documentation will help ensure a maintenance caloric level.

Although it may seem appealing, routinely eating at food buffets are not conducive to having a healthy body. Most people do not count calories or portion sizes when eating from a buffet. Since most are all you can eat, one tries to get their money’s worth. This usually results in severe binging and unnecessary weight gain.

Body builders and fitness enthusiasts have always advocated eating several small meals throughout the day in place of one or two large ones. There are several reasons for this. One is you will never experience starvation type hunger, which usually leads to binging. Another good reason to eat this way is it will provide you with steady energy through the day.

Protein is very important because it is the building block of muscles, skin, hair and nails. It is recommended you eat a serving of protein with most meals, since it contributes to feeling full. One of the most important reasons to increase your protein intake has to do with calories needed to digest protein. Your body uses more calories to digest protein then it does for carbohydrates or fats. Due to this you are actually ingesting less net calories with protein.

Planning your food consumption is paramount to living a healthy lifestyle. If you do not plan what you will be eating throughout the day, chances are extra calories and unhealthy foods will sneak up on you. Another issue will be hunger control. If you have no plan as to where, when and what to eat, you will find yourself starving in front of the fast food drive thru.

One important thing to avoid are sweets during breakfast. We have all been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day and eating a healthy breakfast will keep you energized. When you eat a breakfast full of sweets you experience a quick sugar rush of energy, followed by a loss of energy later.

Remember, it is important to drink six to eight glasses of water daily to maintain your health. Not only will enough water keep you hydrated, but also flush toxins from your body. For most of us, following these proven healthy lifestyle tips will keep our bodies healthy for life.